Friday, October 26, 2012

I Thought I Was Done

     I thought I was done with political blogging...politics in general for the year. A friend posted an article from the Huffington Post regarding Mitt Romney's stance on gay rights. I have another friend who calls him Shit Romney, but I swore I would not go down that path. So I'll leave it up to her to call him Shit, so I don't have to call Mr. Romney Shit. This post is off the cuff as I am so angry I just did not want to take the time to calm down. Shit...oh, I mean Mitt, quite clearly thinks it wrong for homosexuals to have children. He thinks the children will be harmed if they do not have a mother and father. Okay, let's look at this. First of all, Shmitt, they will have a mother and a father! Perhaps he needs a refresher biology class. Apparently the potential leader of the free world is unfamiliar with the concept of sperm and egg. Secondly, if a child has two parents, she is a rarity. To go one step further, if the child has two parents that love her and each other, she is off the charts lucky. If a child has two parents in a loving home who provide and sacrifice for her, does it matter if both parents have all the same parts? Of course not; only an antiquated, uninformed, narrow minded, compassionless dolt with his head in the sand would have such an erroneous thought.
     I am a lesbian. A card-carrying, Ellen loving lesbian; have been my whole life. All homosexuals are homosexuals their whole lives because we are born this way. I have blue eyes, too...because I was born that way. I could buy colored lenses if I wanted green or brown eyes, but it would be a facade. Likewise, I could pretend to be heterosexual; I did for the first 20 years of my life. Another facade, and very tiresome. I have the courage to be myself; a 47 year old, blue-eyed lesbian. I don't have kids; I don't want them. I have dogs. Now, I would love to see Shmitt try to take a dog away from a he'll want my truck. Also, I do not have a partner at this time; I don't think I want one of those either. Once I figured out I could sleep diagonal across the bed, I decided being alone is a good thing. However, that is my choice. I do not want Shmitt deciding for me who I can or can't sleep with. I don't want him deciding for my friends who they can and can't marry or to tell them that having and loving a child is only right for certain people; the ones an act of birth made heterosexual. That's right folks, it's not a choice. Does anyone really still think it is? Really? I've been "out" for almost 30 years and let me state for the record that to be shunned by society and deemed the "freak" by your family and supposed friends is not something one chooses. I'll say it again, I have courage. I don't want to come across as cocky but I am proud of being strong enough to live my life honestly. It's a lot easier today than it was 30 years ago. I am no longer chased when leaving a gay bar. Well, I don't go to the bars anymore, so that's kind of a moot point. Let's say this, a partner no longer has to be "the roommate." Holding hands in public isn't as frightening as it once was. We really have made tremendous progress and I hate to see a buffoon like Shmitt tear down  the work we have done.
     Gay, straight, bi, trans, or hetero, we are all part of the human family. We are, biologically, products of the genetics of our parents. One in four children of the same parents is homosexual. Whether or not that child lives her life honestly and has the courage to live without the facade will be up to her. She will if she has understanding and loving parents who have instilled in her the confidence and intelligence she needs to have an honest, successful life. My grandmother instilled that sense of pride in me. She loved me regardless of the stupid things I did...repeatedly. Knowing I had her---my best friend---in my corner, made me know there was nothing I was too afraid to do. Why deny a child of someone so wonderful? That seems to be the goal of Shmitt. He can rhetorically spin his stance on this issue any way he chooses but the bottom line is he would rather deny a child a stable and loving home, than accept people as they were born.
     There is supposed to be a place for comments on this but I heard that function is not working. I have absolutely no idea how to change this. If you want to comment, and I am interested in hearing what people have to say, you can do so on my Facebook page.

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