Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential Debate: Thanks for the Inspiration

     Hello everyone and thanks for taking a look at my first attempt at blogging. Technologically speaking, I'm a couple of decades behind but after watching the debate last night I have a lot to say. After several hours and help from my friends, I figured out how to begin blogging; it was either this or to send out lengthy texts to everyone. Since I still have an old Nokia flip phone, texting was not a viable option. So, here I sit typing my first blog on "Musings from Cork County."
     I decided on this title while opening a bottle of wine. My grandmother, who is never far from my mind, was a first generation American who was born to William and Mary Barrett from County Cork, Ireland. As I held the cork from my bottle of Chianti, I realized I had my title. Now, I'm going to speak on politics for this post but who knows what I'll talk about in the future. First let me say that I am a registered Independent who is fed up with Party politics. I have engaged in many conversations with friends and co-workers regarding politics. What starts out as interesting dialogue quickly turns into heated arguments with constant interruptions and hateful remarks. I am as guilty of this as the next guy. I am a firm believer that change, which is what we all claim to want, begins with words and ideas. Instead of yelling at each other from high atop our Party platforms, we need to engage each other intelligently and with open minds. I am glad to know that the politics of our country inspires such passion but we need to attack our problems; not each other. Now, on to the debate.
     Last night both men were asked about equality for women in the workforce. Let's face it, neither one answered the question, rather they danced around it like the seasoned politicians they are. President Obama wants us to have equal pay because we women are more frequently becoming the "bread winners." I am single with no kids, I have always been my own bread winner. I want equality because I deserve it not so I can feed my family because my husband lost his job. As annoying as that was, Mr. Romney topped him. After scouring the earth for "qualified" women, he made the sacrifice of having a flexible work schedule for them so they could be home in time to cook dinner for the family. WHAT? What year is this? I had to check my closet to see if I had a Poodle Skirt. I think that is when I went for the corkscrew. When I came back, Romney was talking about unemployment. I caught the end of his answer when he said that Obama had not even created enough jobs to match the population growth. That got me thinking. First of all, newborns don't work. Secondly, did he consider that perhaps we are over-populated as a nation;something which will become an even greater problem when he works to eliminate contraceptive benefits for women from insurance plans? I was reminded of Socrates' Cyclical Argument (it was really Plato). He stated that things are born from opposites. In other words, if you are feeling stronger, you must have been weak to start. Hence, strength can only come to exist when weakness vanishes. I must admit that Mr. Romney proved Socrates correct. If contraceptive benefits disappear the population will grow at an exponential rate; thus making it impossible for the creation of jobs to keep up with the population growth.
     Well, that's my first blog. If you liked it, check in another time to see what I'm rambling about. But you must come to this site with an open mind. If we all have something to complain about then what we have been doing over the years is not working. Customs and habits can be very good things but they also can hinder the mind from opening up to new ideas. Thomas Paine, our forgotten Founding Father, wrote in the introduction to Common Sense (1776) that " a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right."

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