Friday, October 19, 2012

One More One More Thing

Ok, I just read my last post and I feel bad. I think it sounds a little harsh and I don't want to piss-off my followers...I have one. What sounded like an admonishment for being irresponsible was just me poorly saying that we must admit to our mistakes and take responsibility for our choices. I am not saying people don't deserve help or empathy, just admit you screwed up and ask for help. We are all part of the human family and everyone needs help from time to time. I have the greatest friends in the world who have helped me more times than I care to count. But maybe every now and then we should all help a stranger. The next time you see a guy on the street asking for help, give him a couple of dollars.It doesn't matter what he'll spend it on. It's not our place to judge. Just help when you can and be thankful you're in a position to help. My grandmother, who was the wisest person who ever walked the earth, always said, "Never let a friend go without and help a stranger when you can." If you don't encounter anyone on your travels that needs help and I've inspired you in any way to contribute to your fellow human beings, there is an organization in Phoenix called the Welcome to America Project. They aid refugees coming to this country who literally have nothing but the clothes on their backs. I think their site is, or maybe .com. Just Google them if you feel so inclined. When you get home, look around and see, really see all the things you have and then think of someone who has absolutely nothing; not even a home or food. People need your help. Give it to them.

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