Friday, November 2, 2012

Sandy: The Bright Spot

     Superstorm Sandy devastated the people on the east coast; especially those in New Jersey. People have died and homes were destroyed; literally razed right to the ground. I am a weather buff and followed the storm closely. Once I was able to ascertain that my family in New England was ok, I watched those not as fortunate  return to empty lots that once contained their homes. My heart goes out to them all. They have my compassion and sympathy but I cannot even comprehend what they are feeling.
     With the election so near, it was a nice surprise to see two opposing politicians unite for the good of the people who elected them to their positions. President Obama took control as a leader should and did what all politicians should do more often; cut through the red tape to get results. Governor Christie has done a remarkable job and made it quite clear that he had an urgent job to do and didn't "give a damn about politics." I applaud you, Governor. You gave President Obama the recognition he earned; I imagine much to the chagrin of your party. You prioritized. People had nothing but the clothes on their backs and needed someone to turn to and you did the job.
     I hope, naive as I am, that this is a trend we will see continue; leaders who get the job done without politics. Christie is correct; he was elected to that office by the very people who are now in dire need of his assistance. My dad told me when I was very young, "believe half of what you read in the paper and none of what you hear from a politician." In this one instance, this very brief moment in time, I believe Governor Christie. I may not believe what he says tomorrow but I believed him this week. Thank you for giving me this brief moment, Mr. Christie. It may not come along again for quite some time but in the midst of disaster you became a leader and forgot about being a politician. I am 3000 miles away from Jersey but the Governor helped me this week, too.
     Now, let's all do what we can to help the people who have lost so much. Let's not forget the now homeless pets. They will need food. The Red Cross had to cancel several blood drives in the area and needs blood. Let's all step up and do what we can to help. Thanks.

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