Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Race of Terrorism

There is only one race:

The only race to encompass people is the human race. Ethnicity is not race. Religion is not race. Nationality is not race. Race is a socially constructed delineation that divides the people of the globe. People are all members of the human race but not all humans are people. In order to be considered a person, one must possess a soul---or whatever word you chose to denote a personal essence. Terrorists have no soul, therefore they are not people. They are in fact human animals with no inner essence that can define them as people. They hate for hate's sake. They hold ideologies, that may at one time have been humane, which they have perverted into tenets of violence. As with all animals, humans have the ability to plan and attack to meet their own goals. People, however, are capable of reason and logic which allows for the ability to weigh consequences. Terrorists are so egocentric, they are concerned only with their needs and care not about the effects of their violence. 

If my above theory is correct, it falls upon upon the people of the world to stop the terrorist animals. National governments must work together to stop the terrorist groups without destroying whole countries whose innocent citizens are the ones paying the price. It should be crystal clear today, in light of the Brussel's attacks, that bombing Syria has not worked. ISIS is a world-wide terrorist organization. A member may be sitting next to you at this moment. Bombing Syria to destroy ISIS is analagous to attacking the American South in order to destroy the KKK. This group must be destroyed from the inside. Developed nations have the technology and access to intellegence to such a level that developing a new strategy to defeat the vile beasts is cetainly plausible.

Hate breeds hate and hate is what led to these and all other terrorist attacks. Please, do not add to the hatred.

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