Wednesday, November 9, 2016

American Crisis

When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag.”

I am devastated. I blame myself. I blame myself because I naively believed my country would openly denounce misogyny, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and all phobias and prejudices that have been unleashed by this man. I had faith in my fellow countrymen to protect the rights of women. I am well-aware that not everyone who voted for this man is a racist or sexist, or any other “ist” you can think of; however, the fact that so much hatred has emerged as a direct result of this man’s words is frightening.

As a historian, I can tell you without hesitation that this is how the most horrifying events in history unfold. This is textbook Fascism and because of this election, world history will be forever altered. To the people who clamored for change, be careful what you wish for. Change means something different from what you have. What we have right now is: a woman’s right to choose what happens to and with her own body; a flawed but functioning medical insurance system; marriage equality; a growing economy; and tenable international relationships. What we have is far from perfect but it is progress. Why erase progress to revert to systems and ideologies that were in place during the Eisenhower Era? I’ll tell you why, Fascism has come to America.

The most fundamental tenet of Fascist ideology is to return to a mythological, utopian past; in other words, “Make the Country Great Again.” Mussolini and Hitler both espoused this principal. Mussolini wanted to protect the men who fought in WWI for Italy as they were the “forgotten men.” These two dictators, and Stalin, immediately incarcerated or exiled all of their political opponents once they gained power; they simply “Locked Them Up.” Once their political rivals were erased, intellectuals and artists were the next to be removed so as not to enlighten others to the dangers at hand, they wanted “leaders not readers.” In Fascist Germany, homosexuals were targeted under Paragraph 175 as they were seen as being genetically undesirable and a detriment to a pure society. They were experimented on as a form of “conversion therapy.” Germany and Russia made a pact to facilitate the invasion of Poland without sanction, there was “no consequence faced by Russia for the hostile invasion of a neighboring country.” Specific ethnic and religious groups were targeted and war and genocide ensued. That war did begin to unify the United States and end the worst financial depression in history; one that started when millionaire businessman Herbert Hoover was the president. Do I need to say more???

I am stunned that I am watching history repeat itself before my very eyes. I am appalled that people actually believe that Donald cares about the middle class and veterans; he’s never been either. I asked some friends to describe how they felt this morning; panicked, incapacitated, and exhausted were some replies. One wise friend said, “Hope, because That Is All We Have.” The only hope I have left is that good people will educate themselves and inspire others to do the same. I recommend the following books to start:

Roger Eatwell, Fascism: A History (New York: Penguin, 1995).
Roger Griffin, ed. Fascism (repr. 2009, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
Samuel Totten and William S. Parsons, eds. Centuries of Genocide: Essays and Eyewitness Accounts, 4th ed. (New York: Routledge, 2013).

Good luck, friends.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Campaign 2016: Here Comes the Betrayal

I hope this is something we can all remember as this disappointing election season nears its welcome end. It is what we all do on November 9 that matters the most. Read on.

Ever been betrayed? I have and quite frankly, it sucks. Betrayal, in its true definition, can only be inflicted by a person who has been given our trust.[1] You cannot be betrayed by one of whom you expect nothing. Of a friend or family member, for example, your relationship is built on trust and respect; unfortunately that is all too often one-sided. As empathetic humans, we tend to project our feelings onto others. If we care for a person, we expect the same depth of affection from that person. All too often, the loyalty we feel towards our friends and family is not reciprocated and we become the victims of betrayal. To sum it up, it happens when you care more than the other person. When you project your feelings of unflinching loyalty onto another and that person has no such depth of allegiance, you can be betrayed. I’m not saying the betrayer is an evil person, they just don’t care as much as you.

Now, let’s talk about how much that hurts. You, on a daily basis, sink your heart and soul into a friendship only to be shown by another’s actions that it just doesn’t matter. Ouch, that stings. Your heart is tattered, your mind races, you deal with pain, anger, and ultimately forgiveness. Then, you start to question everything and everyone in your life. Perhaps, you build walls so as never to feel that most devastating pain again. Don’t do that! Trust again, open your heart and mind, forgive and mend relationships; however, do not ever, ever forget. Apologies, real apologies, must be accepted but do not be so naïve as to trust your betrayer again. Nothing will ever be the same. Your goodness; however, must prevail. I want everyone to remember this as we near the end of this disappointing election campaign.

I believe we are all of the depth of wisdom necessary to understand campaign promises, regardless of your political affiliations. They are the party’s platform and the hopes of the candidate. More importantly, they are made to garner a vote. The candidate may have some very good intentions but making a promise come to fruition in the lobbyist controlled congress is a difficult task indeed. As politically aware members of society, we know what politicians say and what actually happens are often very different, yet we somehow throw our whole hearts and souls behind a candidate and put our trust in those promises. We want so badly for the candidates to believe as we do, that our word is our bond, that we project our ethics and morals onto them. We believe they care as much as we care. This sets us up to be destroyed by betrayal.

As with a friend, we can be betrayed by our potential leaders. Does anyone believe that both candidates are capable of keeping their promises? Or that the loser will accept defeat with humility and grace so as not to embarrass our nation? We want to, boy do we want to, and that is how we will be hurt. That day will come and when it does, we need to react as we would with any other betrayal; we lean on our friends. Yes, we will need to lean on each other across the aisle. We complain that politicians do not engage in bipartisan politics yet it is clear, now more than ever, that we are in great danger of becoming a house divided and we must not let that happen. We, the people, are capable of reaching out to each other, of “binding our nation’s wounds,” and supporting one another when we do feel that betrayal. We must not lash out at one another, no matter who we vote for. Hillary supporters hate Trump supporters and vice versa. Hatred will not treat a betrayal. Only friendship, true, honest, compassionate, and loyal friendship can do that.

I don’t limit my calls for friendship to solely the United States. We are one world. You get that? There is one, and only one planet Earth and we are here together. We can either help or harm each other, the choice is ours. When we are betrayed by our leaders, we have each other if we will only reach out with compassion and open-mindedness. Who here has not been betrayed? If you raised your hand, consider yourself extraordinarily lucky as it is the most painful experience you will endure. For those of us who have, we know the emotional and psychological devastation that must be suffered and surmounted. How do we overcome that hurt? With a little help from our friends. Maybe I’m sounding a little hippie-ish, but you know what, maybe that’s not so bad. Maybe we can start today with baby steps and look to our loyal friends to do the same. Perhaps we can reach out to one, just one person, who is on the other side of the aisle, and just let that person know that you’ll suffer the inevitable betrayal with her as a fellow countryman and human being. One person. Is that so hard?

[1]“Betray: Be gravely disloyal to.” Per the Oxford English dictionary.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

He Has Baffled Me Once Again

Once again I must humbly defer to those of far greater intelligence than I.  Along with the rest of the world, I have been scrutinizing the disgusting Trump remarks that were released on Friday. (October 7, 2016) I have read newspapers, blogs, comments, and Tweets that overwhelmingly denounce Donald yet have read many that inexplicably defend and support the “locker room talk,” position. Further, I heard Donald say at the debate, when asked pointedly by Anderson Cooper if he ever did those things to unsuspecting women, that he did not and they were “just words.” He claimed these words do not define him. Words are the manifestation of thoughts. He, therefore, tacitly stated that he thought about doing those things, right? So, if he just thought (doubtful) about doing those things and they were “just words” objectifying and degrading women, how did he know they would “let him do it?” You see this is where I need help.

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
 “Grab them by the p---y. You can do anything.”
            Ok, the highlighted lines are the source of my confusion. At the debate, Donald claimed that these were just words and denied acting out these vulgar assaults. My question is this, how does he know women will “let you do it,” unless he has done it? How does he know “You can do anything,” without having done these things? Let me juxtapose some words and you’ll understand my confusion:
(I use the example of a dog to coincide with Donald’s opinion of women)
“And when my dog rolls on her back, she lets me do it. I can rub her belly. I can do anything.”

I can make this assertion because I have done this with my 75 pound dog. I am not concerned that I will be attacked or rejected. Why? Because I am speaking from experience. How, then does Donald know that he can do these things if he is not speaking from experience? That’s really what I hope someone can explain to me. In my average mind, I can only conclude that he is either an insecure liar desperate to assert his manliness or he is a sex offender. I am open to all interpretations.

Next, I really need help making sense of this:

  A)Good people don’t go into government 
  B) Donald Trump went into government
  C) Donald Trump is not a good person.

As that is the only logical conclusion to be drawn, is Donald admitting he is the opposite of a good person? Is he defining himself with his the word "bad?"

Any and all respectful and thoughtful comments are welcome and encouraged.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Colin Kaepernick vs. Stephen Hawking


        I used Colin Kaepernick’s name in my title to get your attention. This blog is really about our priorities. Mr. Kaepernick opted not to stand for the playing of the national anthem and made his feelings known as to why. He throws a ball for a living and the media is hanging on his every word; because they have an audience that seems to be enthralled by this story. I’ll admit, it’s entertaining and is a new portal to the ongoing conversation about racism and violence in this country.
            Dr. Stephen Hawking is subjectively considered to be one of the smartest human beings alive. He is a theoretical physicist who studied at Cambridge and Oxford. He continues to battle a debilitating disease that, by all accounts, should have killed him years ago. He is perhaps the most respected scientist in the world. As a multi-million selling author of scientific texts, he has explained the theory of time, black holes, and the potential origins of the universe to fellow academics and the average citizen alike.
            On May 30, 2016, Professor Hawking gave a talk in which he called Donald Trump a demagogue. Further, in that discussion he warned, “A more immediate danger is runaway climate change,” and continued by saying, “A rise in ocean temperature would melt the ice-caps, and cause a release of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the ocean floor. Both effects could make our climate like that of Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees.”
Did you hear about this on the news? It’s not very entertaining, is it? It was not widely covered because the media outlets do not have a big enough audience for this discourse; you know, something as insignificant as the destruction of our planet.

            Instead of concerning ourselves with the scientific studies and opinions of one of the greatest minds of our generation, we focus on the words and actions of a man who throws a ball for a living. Mr. Kaepernick may very well be an intelligent man. I know nothing of his education other than he was awarded a BA in business management from the University of Nevada, which he attended on a football scholarship. Many great intellects have never attended a single day of college and I am not putting into question his intelligence. I don’t know much about him other than his football talents, of which he has many and is truly gifted. What I do know is that he makes his living on the field with those talents and off the field by his endorsement and merchandising contracts. He is what we, as a society, seem to consider a role model for youngsters, a talented athlete who is entertaining to watch, and now someone we want to mock and degrade simply for standing (well…excuse the pun) for a principle. I personally respect any person’s right to express their opinions, whether I agree or disagree. If one is truly patriotic, that must be his opinion as well; a true “patriot” must respect the First Amendment.

            With all of that being said, here is the crux of the problem: The most brilliant man in the world told us our planet is doomed unless we make significant changes quickly. Three months later, an athlete refused to stand for the national anthem, a right afforded him by the U.S. Constitution. Why are we expending so much energy debating the actions of an entertainer while ignoring the warnings of a genius? Dr. Hawking sits all of the time; he has no choice. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ignorance and the Serpent

***This post represents the thoughts of a guest blogger, who wishes to remain anonymous.***

Dear Trump Supporter,
            An ignoramus is one who is willfully ignorant. It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I label you an ignoramus. This differs from being stupid or idiotic, in that people who are ignorant are generally neither of the other two. Ignorant people are usually static and overly confident in their opinions in order to avoid opening their minds to new ideas. Charles Darwin remarked that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”[1]
            Now that I have placed a label upon you, an act of which you are so fond, let me label myself. I am a “typical” politically correct, pragmatic, bleeding heart, care-for-everyone, see-the-best-in-people, liberal, professional woman. I was unsuccessful in my attempt to find your good heart and see the best in you. The only rational conclusion being that you have hidden you heart behind ignorance, which is the prime breeding ground for fear.
You are afraid to shed your ignorance. Why not shed your ignorance like a snake sheds its skin? Are you not like the serpent? Perhaps you’re even colder. Snakes are keenly aware of their environment and adapt to the changing landscape or move on……perhaps you can take a lesson from the serpent. Shed the skin of your ignorance in which you have become so comfortable and see your environment through realistic lenses. Adjust your focus and realize the environment is not yours to manipulate. If you will not use your mind, then use your feet and move on. Remember, the open border works in both directions. Once you have left, then and only then would I recommend a wall.

            For you, I thought I felt hate. I refuse to hate because that is what I like least about you; your ability to hate anyone who angers you or who you deem a threat. I have risen above that and will not lower myself into the ignorant realm of hatred. Instead, I pity you. Like lambs to the slaughter, you follow Trump to the pen. When you are no longer needed, you will be discarded. And when I see you broken and alone, left for stray by the man you thought was here to make you great, I will help you. You know why? I understand what it means to be a true patriot. I know that Abraham Lincoln was correct when he said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I know that being a Republican or Democrat does not supersede being an American. I know hatred and name calling just breed more of the same. I know your bigotry and racism have been inculcated for decades. I know the misogynistic culture our nation has fostered for centuries is ingrained in your psyche. I know you are afraid.
            In keeping with your apparent love for crude and simplistic remarks, I will close with this: Lady-up, grow some ovaries, and get over yourself!

A Human Being

[1] Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (London, 1871).

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Friends of Clinton and Trump: Some Good Advice

Long ago my dad told me, “Only believe half of what you hear from the news and none of what you hear from a politician.” Good advice. My grandmother gave even better advice when she said, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you what you are.” Assuming my dad was correct, it is safe to say that we cannot accurately assess this year’s presidential candidates, (and yes, Donald Trump, by definition is a politician) based on what they say or how they are presented in the media.[1] Now, if we juxtapose supporters and the candidate into my grandmother’s advice, we are left with, “Show me your supporters and I’ll tell you what the candidate is.” We are now left with the proposition that we can only assess the qualities of the candidates based on the words and actions of their supporters. That being said, let’s take a look at Clinton and Trump supporters.
Clinton Camp:       
 I’m starting with the Clinton supporters as it will be a relatively short discussion. On my internet search I was unable to find any substantial single video or compilation of videos of Clinton supporters at rallies other than those cheering Clinton and booing Trump. There are of course, many still photos showing diverse crowds that appear to be engaged and actually listening. This brings me to my essential point about Clinton supporters; they are a diverse group who appear eager to learn. Note the woman in the lower left corner of the above picture. She is looking directly at Clinton and is actually listening. More than that, she is hearing and digesting the words. She may even have gone home and thought about what she heard and drew her own conclusion without the aid of her phone or the television.
I have absolutely no doubt that thousands of people are supporting Mrs. Clinton simply to conform to party politics. Many others may be voting for her because she is a woman or because she is the Anti-Trump. So many other voters; however, who define themselves as independent ̶ ̶ the lowercase “i” is intentional ̶ ̶  and those of either major party who read and research the issues in order to make their own informed decisions, seem to be leaning toward the Clinton camp. In sum, through an admittedly small sample, Clinton supporters present as diverse, thoughtful, and willing to learn.
Trump Camp:

Ok, let’s take a look at this picture. First and foremost, all of these supposed patriots are desecrating the American flag. According to U.S. Code Title 4, Chapter 1, §8, Paragraph G:  “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”[2] See the full code cited below to understand the remainder of the violations in this photo.
Next is the issue of diversity. I do in fact spot some brown skin but also see the corner of the Arizona flag on the left side of the photograph. Speaking as a Zonie (a local name for Arizonans) I can assure you that even blue-eyed Irish girls have brown skin. In fact, I am very thankful for my blue eyes as I live in the SB-1070 state. Another blog for another day.
Finally, look at what they are doing. The man in the center is looking at his phone, the woman with the child strapped to her is either at a bad angle or falling asleep. The man in the blue shirt and white pants is either really concentrating or thinking about going out for a cigarette. The assessment to be made from this analysis is that the self-proclaimed patriots have no regard for the flag, which is symbolic of the country, diversity is very questionable, and the audience does not seem to be listening to what is being said. This is what I find to be most problematic; no one is processing any of the information they hear but rather, because they are unsatisfied with their current situations, they simply believe what they hear and give into fear instilled through propaganda. See, Germany 1933.
What follows is the link to a disturbing video compilation created from various Trump rallies. The language is at best troubling. What is even more disconcerting is the blatant and willful ignorance displayed by these people.

  • To the man who says “Muslim is not a religion it is an ideology,”   WHAT??? A Muslim is a person who follows the religion of Islam. A religious ideology, as defined by Dr. David Satter of the Hudson Institute and Johns Hopkins University, is when  "man-made dogma is treated as infallible truth.” Hmmmmm.
  • To the man who shouts, “Heil Sieg,” the customary greeting used by Nazis meaning “Hail Victory,” is Sieg Heil. See, Germany 1933.
  • To the man who says, “Kill her,” I might remind you that she is a former FLOTUS, Senator, and Secretary of State. Be thankful that you cannot be identified as the Secret Service takes statements such as yours quite seriously.
  • Finally, to the woman who boasts of wearing a t-shirt that displays a man’s testicles, proudly decorated as the American flag and claims that people are too sensitive and need to “grow up,” I don’t know what to say. Perhaps I am just not as grown up as you.

[1] Per the Oxford English Dictionary, Politician is defined as “A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.” OR “chiefly US, A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.”
[2] For the full Code, see Cornell University Law Library,

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Please Help Me Understand the Mind of Donald Trump

I am quite confused after hearing and reading the text of Donald Trump’s speech following the murders in Orlando. There is so much to be said about the shooter as we are learning more about his history, daily. One thing that has been know from the beginning and cannot be changed is that the killer was born in New York 29 years ago. With this knowledge, I cannot; therefore, reconcile this fact with the words from Mr. Trump’s speech.

As we all know, Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S. Does he want to ban religious Muslims or ethnic Muslims? In order to better understand his position, I pulled out my notes from a class I took on the history of Genocide and re-read the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which can be found at Ethnic Jewish people (a.k.a. Semites, as are Arabs and most other people of Middle Eastern decent) were targeted based on bloodlines. If an ethnic Jew converted to another religion, he was still persecuted, essentially because of their DNA. So, if the ethnic Muslims in the U.S. convert to another religion, can they stay? Hitler and Goebbels would say no.

Next, Trump stated emphatically that “the only reason the killer was in America in the first place, was because we allowed his family to come here.” He continued, “We have an incompetent administration.” This is where I get really perplexed. If the killer was 29 and born in New York then it is safe to say that his parents have been in this country since at least 1986 or 1987. My first question is, why is he speaking about the current administration? He said we “have” an incompetent administration. Two possibilities exist: 1) He is erroneously blaming the current administration for an event that took place 3 decades ago; or 2) His grammar usage is atrocious and he meant to say, “had.” If he is blaming the administration that was in office when the killer’s parents came here, then he is calling the Reagan administration incompetent. Did the killer’s parents gain amnesty through Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986? 

Further, the murderer was born in the U.S. and lived among Western culture for 29 years. For what length of time does he propose to ban immigration? From his speech, he claims, “It will be lifted---this ban---when and as a nation we’re in a position to properly and perfectly screen these people coming into our country.” First, he must know that constructing a “perfect” process is impossible. Secondly, the killer’s parents are immigrants and have not, to my knowledge, committed a terrorist act against America or a hate crime against a specific community.

 (Zion Square, Jerusalem)
The killer was a natural-born American citizen. He was a child of immigrants, as all non-indigenous Americans are, who was full of hate. His confusion regarding his identity and feelings of disenfranchisement were exploited by extremist propaganda; much of which was consumed by the murderer over the Internet. How does Trump propose to stop cyber-hate? Perhaps, I don’t want to know.

**For full text of Trump’s speech, go to:

Sunday, June 12, 2016

In Solidarity with Orlando

Hate cannot overcome hate. What happened in Orlando was an act of hate inspired by a warped religious ideology. I fear the response by many will be inspired by the same. Attention Radical Christians: The LGBTQ community is not being punished for their “sins,” and the horrible being that committed this act is not representative of all Muslims. Attention Radical Islamists: Your perverted ideology, which results in violence and the murder of innocent people, is contradictory to the peaceful religion you are representing.

Admittedly, I am not a religious scholar and do not participate in any organized religion; however, I do believe in God and am certain, to the very core of my being, that God ( or any Word you chose to suit your beliefs) is about truth, peace, and love. What happened in Orlando, and what almost happened at L.A. Pride, were acts based solely on hatred. Yes, America was targeted but the LGBTQ community was attacked in the most horrific way imaginable. As a very long-time member of this community, I can state emphatically that attacks on members of the gay community happen daily.

I've never told this full story before, but here goes. About 25 years ago, I was leaving a women’s club in Phoenix and watched in horror as the woman who walked out the door a minute or two behind me was attacked by three men who jumped out of the back of a pick-up truck with baseball bats. With the friend I was with, I hid behind a car in the parking lot. There were no cell phones then. We saw someone else coming out of the club and signaled for her to stop. She went back in and called the police. The woman was brought to the hospital and died three days later. Her life mattered and I was a coward. I live with that shame every day. I was paralyzed by fear and someone died.  This tragedy in Orlando cannot help but invoke that memory, which is never too far from the front of my mind. 25 years hence, murder is still being committed in the name of hate. I hated the “men” who killed that woman and yet murder goes on. My hatred accomplished nothing. I have not let my fear stop me from acting to protect a victim since that night.

Hate will solve nothing. What it will do is cause more division and violence. Attention Every One of Every Faith: Your deity does not want you to hate. Think long, hard, and honestly; have you ever hated? If you answered yes, has that hatred ever created a positive result? Again, hate cannot conquer hate. If you are getting wet in the rain, is more water the answer to keeping you dry? No, you’ll need an umbrella. Find your umbrella.

Attention Fellow Members of the LGBTQ Community: Fear must be overcome. Courage is simply acting through your fear. Be courageous. We all have fears. I’ve been taunted, chased, and shunned but I carry on and will die before I hide who I am. Do not let the cowards take your identities. Be proud and march on. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Can One Person Make A Difference?

In a Handbasket:

Well, it seems like the world is going to Hell. Religious attacks---Jihads, if you will---hijackings, threats in Washington, partisan politics, and terror all around. I feel as though this blog is becoming a chore to write as I just do not know what to say to make a change. It's clear our country---I dare say the world---is separating. Hatred is rampant and opinions are dictated by the media---facts be damned. Can one person initiate change any longer? Maybe if we start with ourselves. What if each of us looks in the mirror and asks, "What can I do to help today?" What would happen if we all just helped one person, once a day? What are the alternatives?

The governments of the world appear to be useless and the citizens of each nation are restless and in some cases out of control. The U.S. government, for example, will not be the tonic that heals our disease; yes, hatred is a disease---highly contagious and equally treatable. What can the government do to help our society? Sure, Welfare programs are great for those who are truly in need, but what about individuals who can help but chose not to? Are they not the ones crying the loudest that government spending on social programs should be cut or stopped all together? Is it so wrong for one of these people to buy a homeless guy a sandwich? Why he's homeless doesn't matter; what matters is he's hungry. For all the people who claim the government has no right to dictate their choices, what are you doing to affect positive change?

I understand that I am quite ignorant on the subjects of government spending and politics in general. Perhaps I am equally naive on individual responsibility. I believe one's primary responsibility is to herself but not far behind is the obligation to do good works. I have no aspirations of going to "Heaven" and am not afraid of the religious construct of "Hell." I simply believe that the only way to alter the path of hatred and destruction, which we are so rapidly advancing down, is to start with one; one person, one act, one day. The planet may be composed of nations but those nations are made-up of individuals. You don't have to join a "do-gooder group" or any organization at all to take a look in the mirror, make up your mind, and act. Try it just once.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Race of Terrorism

There is only one race:

The only race to encompass people is the human race. Ethnicity is not race. Religion is not race. Nationality is not race. Race is a socially constructed delineation that divides the people of the globe. People are all members of the human race but not all humans are people. In order to be considered a person, one must possess a soul---or whatever word you chose to denote a personal essence. Terrorists have no soul, therefore they are not people. They are in fact human animals with no inner essence that can define them as people. They hate for hate's sake. They hold ideologies, that may at one time have been humane, which they have perverted into tenets of violence. As with all animals, humans have the ability to plan and attack to meet their own goals. People, however, are capable of reason and logic which allows for the ability to weigh consequences. Terrorists are so egocentric, they are concerned only with their needs and care not about the effects of their violence. 

If my above theory is correct, it falls upon upon the people of the world to stop the terrorist animals. National governments must work together to stop the terrorist groups without destroying whole countries whose innocent citizens are the ones paying the price. It should be crystal clear today, in light of the Brussel's attacks, that bombing Syria has not worked. ISIS is a world-wide terrorist organization. A member may be sitting next to you at this moment. Bombing Syria to destroy ISIS is analagous to attacking the American South in order to destroy the KKK. This group must be destroyed from the inside. Developed nations have the technology and access to intellegence to such a level that developing a new strategy to defeat the vile beasts is cetainly plausible.

Hate breeds hate and hate is what led to these and all other terrorist attacks. Please, do not add to the hatred.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Lobbyists and Congress and Drugs....Oh My

     I guess I cannot avoid political commentary this election season. Right off the bat, let me say that Trump is a vile idiot and Hillary is a sneaky genius. I haven't trusted a politician since Lincoln...and yes, I might just be that old.
This election is quite heated and is causing even greater divides in our already fraying nation. Let us all please remember one very important thing; the President is not the one with the power. With relatively few exceptions, anything proposed by the Executive Branch must be approved by Congress. Does that mean congress wields the power? Yes and no. Congress has power over the president, and the nation as a whole but it is in fact the Lobbyists who control congress; thus lobbyists are in control of our nation. Let me rephrase that, the money stemming from big lobbyists and their clients is in charge of our country.

     The largest lobby in the U.S. is the pharmaceutical industry. According to the non-partisan watchdog group, Center for Responsive Politics ( ), thus far in 2016, pharmacy groups have contributed to candidates, political parties, and outside groups to the sum of $18,218,665. Contributions to sitting congress members total $4,569,909 to Democrats and $7,035,182. The previous year, 1,369 lobbyists acting on behalf of 344 pharmaceutical and health related clients spent over $238 million. The highest recent figure,$272.8 million, came in 2009, at the time the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was on the floor. These companies, Bayer, Pfizer, Glaxo etc. have agendas to keep their products on the shelf at the highest price the market will tolerate. They do not want marijuana legalized nationally as it will greatly cut into their profits. They did not want the ACA to pass because it cut into their profits. Look at the numbers again and you'll have a better understanding of why so many seniors can't afford to take care of themselves. So much money is being poured into D.C. that prices on medicine must remain high in order for these companies to maintain their projected profit margins.

     If we really want change to occur in this nation, the whole process needs to be revamped. Lobbyists need to be eliminated as well as the party National Committees. With the exception of the Electoral College, I wish the process would revert to the original format; whoever has the most votes is President and the runner-up is Vice-President.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Money, Money, Money,Money

Let's Really Make Change:
    I was reading about the changes that are coming regarding the faces on paper money. Apparently, Harriet Tubman will be gracing the $10 bill; replacing Alexander Hamilton (the 1st Secretary of the Treasury). Andrew Jackson, our 7th President who set in motion the "Trail of Tears", will remain on the $20 bill. The government's reasoning for this inane decision is that the $10 bill is the most easily and often counterfeited and this change will halt that problem, albeit temporarily. Have they considered putting Tubman on the 10 and Hamilton on the 20? Problem solved. But I have an even better idea to revamp the whole thing. As Americans, what do we value almost as highly as money? Television! Let's replace the current faces with those that are really important to us.

One Dollar Bill- Hawkeye Pierce:  Hawkeye was a sinful idealist who protested the inhumanity of war through wit and rash tantrums. I selected him because he not only espoused his ideologies verbally, he took action...and made a killer martini.

Five Dollar Bill- Archie Bunker: As much as I hate to replace my favorite guy, Honest Abe, I think his antithesis is appropriate for this honor. Archie continually showed us the stupidity of bigotry and it's cause; ignorance. The next time you encounter a bigot of any kind, just remember Archie and laugh like hell.
Ten Dollar Bill- George Jefferson: Now this is a guy who loved money. George was also a racist and was an odd mirror image of Archie. The difference is, George "moved on up" while Archie stagnated in Queens. Although he was thoroughly obnoxious, George was an example of an African-American who made it out of childhood poverty, to the suburbs, and finally to a "penthouse in the sky." Who better exemplifies the American Dream?

Twenty Dollar Bill- Mary Richards: This lady was nerdy and hip at the same time. She was a walking contradiction who broke boundaries in 1970s, misogynistic America. SHE left her fiance at the alter and took off on the road alone, landed a white-collar job, and maintained an adorable studio apartment. She had her share of dates but was more than willing to stay single knowing she did not need a husband to make her complete. Hats off to you, Mary.

Fifty Dollar Bill- Cosmo Kramer: What can be said about Kramer? He truly was a hipster doofus, before being one became fashionable. He lived on his own terms and breached societal rules on a daily basis, most often in ignorant bliss. Kramer is my hero; a man who invited strangers into his apartment in order to avail them of the opportunity to smoke inside. A fellow who gave his left-over Chinese food to a homeless man then upon return asked for his Tupperware back. In the traditional sense, he was not a model citizen, however I feel that if we had more Kramer's among us, the world might be a richer, and certainly funnier, place.

One Hundred Dollar Bill- Lucy Ricardo: There was no way that face wasn't going on a bill. Lucille (Ball) and Lucy (Ricardo) were very different women. Unlike Ball, Lucy was subservient to her husband in 1950's New York. However, what we must realize is that Lucy was clever enough to usually get her way, however disastrous the consequences may have been for her husband and neighbors. More often than not, she did get in the show. Her plans and schemes may have verged on the insane but the results she achieved were usually in her favor. Here's to Lucy (and Ethel). I raise my glass of Vitameatavegamin to you!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Why Not Peyton?

Peyton Manning vs. Dr. Huxtable

Ok, Bill Cosby was accused of numerous sexual assaults, including rape, and had his life turned upside down. Cosby has yet to be convicted of anything yet his career and reputation have been destroyed. We all form our own opinions based on media reports and intuition long before the inside of a court room is ever seen...sometimes. I grew up loving Bill Cosby, back to his days of Fat Albert, and with a heavy heart have convicted him of these heinous accusations. I'm glad his career is over, his reputation ruined, and his squeaky clean facade dismantled. So then, why isn't everyone doing the same with Manning? Unlike Cosby, I never liked Manning; he always seemed a little shifty to me and I just couldn't believe others couldn't see through his act. Well, now the stage lights have come on and his make-up is where's all the outrage? Why is poor little Peyton being given a pass? (excuse the pun) Tom Brady got caught deflating footballs; he is the Nixon of the NFL. It was the talk of the town for months. Yes, as a society we spent our time discussing the weight of footballs and weather or not they factored in the outcome of a game...A GAME! When Johnny Manziel, the quarterback for the Cleveland Browns, has one too many drinks and makes a public ass of himself, the media has a field day. Apparently public degradation of an alcoholic is amusing; but let's not forget the media wouldn't keep publishing these things if there wasn't an eager audience. I could go on for pages about the abuses perpetrated, on and off the field, by these athlete "heroes." But back to good old Peyton, the Good Ole Boy.

Really Ladies????

Why so quick to persecute Mr. Cosby but not Manning? Both had good guy images. Both excelled in their fields. Both made commercials. Both are white.....oh wait, no they're that it? Are the very people that cry for a color blind society really oblivious to this? That's not even the worst of it. What about the female physician twho was allegedly abused by Manning WHILE she was treating his injury? Why aren't the empowered women who also happen to be football fans as outraged as I? Why is Tennessee's response to this, and all the other sexual assault charges they face, on the back pages? 

The most troubling question that has been rattling around in my brain is this: Why do we value the career of a quarterback over that of a physician? Her career was ruined; he just won a trophy and sells insurance on TV. Physicians heal people; sexual predators harm them.

 I ask that all my friends who truly want a color-blind, gender-neutral society to get angry. I want you to repost this. I want you to really think. Cosby was accused by numerous women, Manning was accused by one(that we know of); does that make it ok? Does a person's first act of sexual abuse get a pass? No! So for all of you that personally convicted Bill Cosby, I ask: Why not Peyton?