Sunday, June 12, 2016

In Solidarity with Orlando

Hate cannot overcome hate. What happened in Orlando was an act of hate inspired by a warped religious ideology. I fear the response by many will be inspired by the same. Attention Radical Christians: The LGBTQ community is not being punished for their “sins,” and the horrible being that committed this act is not representative of all Muslims. Attention Radical Islamists: Your perverted ideology, which results in violence and the murder of innocent people, is contradictory to the peaceful religion you are representing.

Admittedly, I am not a religious scholar and do not participate in any organized religion; however, I do believe in God and am certain, to the very core of my being, that God ( or any Word you chose to suit your beliefs) is about truth, peace, and love. What happened in Orlando, and what almost happened at L.A. Pride, were acts based solely on hatred. Yes, America was targeted but the LGBTQ community was attacked in the most horrific way imaginable. As a very long-time member of this community, I can state emphatically that attacks on members of the gay community happen daily.

I've never told this full story before, but here goes. About 25 years ago, I was leaving a women’s club in Phoenix and watched in horror as the woman who walked out the door a minute or two behind me was attacked by three men who jumped out of the back of a pick-up truck with baseball bats. With the friend I was with, I hid behind a car in the parking lot. There were no cell phones then. We saw someone else coming out of the club and signaled for her to stop. She went back in and called the police. The woman was brought to the hospital and died three days later. Her life mattered and I was a coward. I live with that shame every day. I was paralyzed by fear and someone died.  This tragedy in Orlando cannot help but invoke that memory, which is never too far from the front of my mind. 25 years hence, murder is still being committed in the name of hate. I hated the “men” who killed that woman and yet murder goes on. My hatred accomplished nothing. I have not let my fear stop me from acting to protect a victim since that night.

Hate will solve nothing. What it will do is cause more division and violence. Attention Every One of Every Faith: Your deity does not want you to hate. Think long, hard, and honestly; have you ever hated? If you answered yes, has that hatred ever created a positive result? Again, hate cannot conquer hate. If you are getting wet in the rain, is more water the answer to keeping you dry? No, you’ll need an umbrella. Find your umbrella.

Attention Fellow Members of the LGBTQ Community: Fear must be overcome. Courage is simply acting through your fear. Be courageous. We all have fears. I’ve been taunted, chased, and shunned but I carry on and will die before I hide who I am. Do not let the cowards take your identities. Be proud and march on. 


  1. Beautifully said, dear friend. Thank you for you deep and powerful story. I don't think most of us out-of-the-closet LGBT community members have issues with courage, and I also do not believe this hate attack is rooted in religion. I think religion is used to larger, scarier ends. I love your message to all people of all religious faiths. Hatred and violence have never solved a thing. Unity, solidarity and love have always had positive impact. Choose wisely and BREATHE!

  2. You have a beautiful soul and a strong courageous core. Beautifully articulated Carol. The Orlando shooting was so shocking and so hurtful... Thanks for talking about it. God bless!

  3. And... Telling your story was a difficult thing to share. Thank you for that. You weren't a was before cell phones... If you tried to help, you would've been killed too. That's a tough situation to be in. I'm so sorry you witnessed such a violent horrific and sad thing. Hopefully there was justice. And raising awareness is key. Thank you again for having the courage to share.
