Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Can One Person Make A Difference?

In a Handbasket:

Well, it seems like the world is going to Hell. Religious attacks---Jihads, if you will---hijackings, threats in Washington, partisan politics, and terror all around. I feel as though this blog is becoming a chore to write as I just do not know what to say to make a change. It's clear our country---I dare say the world---is separating. Hatred is rampant and opinions are dictated by the media---facts be damned. Can one person initiate change any longer? Maybe if we start with ourselves. What if each of us looks in the mirror and asks, "What can I do to help today?" What would happen if we all just helped one person, once a day? What are the alternatives?

The governments of the world appear to be useless and the citizens of each nation are restless and in some cases out of control. The U.S. government, for example, will not be the tonic that heals our disease; yes, hatred is a disease---highly contagious and equally treatable. What can the government do to help our society? Sure, Welfare programs are great for those who are truly in need, but what about individuals who can help but chose not to? Are they not the ones crying the loudest that government spending on social programs should be cut or stopped all together? Is it so wrong for one of these people to buy a homeless guy a sandwich? Why he's homeless doesn't matter; what matters is he's hungry. For all the people who claim the government has no right to dictate their choices, what are you doing to affect positive change?

I understand that I am quite ignorant on the subjects of government spending and politics in general. Perhaps I am equally naive on individual responsibility. I believe one's primary responsibility is to herself but not far behind is the obligation to do good works. I have no aspirations of going to "Heaven" and am not afraid of the religious construct of "Hell." I simply believe that the only way to alter the path of hatred and destruction, which we are so rapidly advancing down, is to start with one; one person, one act, one day. The planet may be composed of nations but those nations are made-up of individuals. You don't have to join a "do-gooder group" or any organization at all to take a look in the mirror, make up your mind, and act. Try it just once.

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