Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Sandy

     Obviously I do not have to preface a discussion on the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. It was horrific. It was  a massacre. It was the loss of 28 lives...yes, 28; I refuse to follow along with the current trend of excluding the shooter from the death toll. He was a human being. He may not have been 6 or 7 but in my mind, he too was a kid. He was a severely, mentally disturbed kid.
   I was listening to my favorite talk radio show today; Mac and Gaydos on KTAR in Phoenix. Every Tuesday Meghan McCain---yes, the senator's daughter--- joins the guys over the phone. I have always kind of liked this woman but after hearing her today, she is now someone with whom I wish I could have dinner. I was going to say have a beer but, well I just don't like beer. Have you ever had a moment when you thought "She took the words right out of my mouth?" I had that today. Everything I have been spewing the past few days, she said for me. On paper, we are complete opposites. Our one common ground is Phoenix. She's a Republican, whereas up until last year I was a registered Democrat; I am now an Independent. I did not vote for her father in 2008 and I am not a member of the NRA as is Meghan. She came right out on the radio today and said that though she was an NRA member and a 2nd Amendment supporter, she thinks assault weapons belong with soldiers only. She thinks legislation needs to be put through to tighten restrictions. As a gun owner, she has no problem with a two week waiting period to conduct a proper background check. She thinks there should be limits to the amount of ammunition one can purchase. Yes, this is a GOP, 2nd Amendment supporting, NRA gun carrying Arizonan. Hell, you can't turn a corner out here without seeing someone with a gun strapped to his hip. And she has the courage and strength of conviction to speak against what has traditionally been her party's stance on gun control. This, my friends is a strong woman. This is a woman who intelligently speaks her mind. This is a woman who won my heart and loyalty when she stated what I have been saying for days; we have a severe problem in this country when it comes to dealing with those who are mentally disturbed. There is and has been such a negative stigma attached to being diagnosed with mental disease that it often times gets overlooked, misdiagnosed, or neglected. I am certainly not a mental health expert but I do know that schizophrenia can be a dangerous mental disease when not diagnosed and treated. I also know that schizophrenia manifests and presents predominantly in males in their early twenties; Newtown, Aurora, Portland, Virginia Tech, Tucson....too numerous to mention. I also know then when a tragedy such as the one that took place last Friday occurs, everyone turns to the 2nd Amendment; Lefties want to take drastic measures, while Tighty Righties invoke the Constitution. These are perhaps the same Right Wing extremists that complain that God has been taken out of the schools. They really should read all of the Amendments. And it has always been my understanding that if you believe, God is everywhere.
     Now, back to Meghan. Ms. McCain, I applaud you. And I thank you as I at last have someone who truly speaks for me. What I think I like best about MM is that she's not afraid to say she doesn't have the answers to all of the problems but understands that answers will not be found until we first have conversation. Not yelling or name calling but actual productive conversation about mental health first and guns second. The two together are in fact the perfect storm; another Sandy.
     I also want to let you folks know that if you would like to send a letter expressing condolences to the families, that you can do so through my favorite radio guys; Mac and Gaydos. They are excepting written letter...NOT emails, but actual, old fashioned letters...through the end of the month and will then send them on to Connecticut. Just go to ktar.com for a mailing address. And maybe some Tuesday give these guys a listen and hear what Meghan has to say. You can listen on the computer; maybe streaming or podcast; some computer thing like that. You'll figure it out. After a few listens you might be hoping for what I'm hoping for...a Meghan McCain and Chelsea Clinton presidential ticket someday....Mac and Gaydos just aren't good looking enough.

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