Tuesday, October 11, 2016

He Has Baffled Me Once Again

Once again I must humbly defer to those of far greater intelligence than I.  Along with the rest of the world, I have been scrutinizing the disgusting Trump remarks that were released on Friday. (October 7, 2016) I have read newspapers, blogs, comments, and Tweets that overwhelmingly denounce Donald yet have read many that inexplicably defend and support the “locker room talk,” position. Further, I heard Donald say at the debate, when asked pointedly by Anderson Cooper if he ever did those things to unsuspecting women, that he did not and they were “just words.” He claimed these words do not define him. Words are the manifestation of thoughts. He, therefore, tacitly stated that he thought about doing those things, right? So, if he just thought (doubtful) about doing those things and they were “just words” objectifying and degrading women, how did he know they would “let him do it?” You see this is where I need help.

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
 “Grab them by the p---y. You can do anything.”
            Ok, the highlighted lines are the source of my confusion. At the debate, Donald claimed that these were just words and denied acting out these vulgar assaults. My question is this, how does he know women will “let you do it,” unless he has done it? How does he know “You can do anything,” without having done these things? Let me juxtapose some words and you’ll understand my confusion:
(I use the example of a dog to coincide with Donald’s opinion of women)
“And when my dog rolls on her back, she lets me do it. I can rub her belly. I can do anything.”

I can make this assertion because I have done this with my 75 pound dog. I am not concerned that I will be attacked or rejected. Why? Because I am speaking from experience. How, then does Donald know that he can do these things if he is not speaking from experience? That’s really what I hope someone can explain to me. In my average mind, I can only conclude that he is either an insecure liar desperate to assert his manliness or he is a sex offender. I am open to all interpretations.

Next, I really need help making sense of this:

  A)Good people don’t go into government 
  B) Donald Trump went into government
  C) Donald Trump is not a good person.

As that is the only logical conclusion to be drawn, is Donald admitting he is the opposite of a good person? Is he defining himself with his the word "bad?"

Any and all respectful and thoughtful comments are welcome and encouraged.

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