Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ignorance and the Serpent

***This post represents the thoughts of a guest blogger, who wishes to remain anonymous.***

Dear Trump Supporter,
            An ignoramus is one who is willfully ignorant. It is, therefore, with a heavy heart that I label you an ignoramus. This differs from being stupid or idiotic, in that people who are ignorant are generally neither of the other two. Ignorant people are usually static and overly confident in their opinions in order to avoid opening their minds to new ideas. Charles Darwin remarked that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”[1]
            Now that I have placed a label upon you, an act of which you are so fond, let me label myself. I am a “typical” politically correct, pragmatic, bleeding heart, care-for-everyone, see-the-best-in-people, liberal, professional woman. I was unsuccessful in my attempt to find your good heart and see the best in you. The only rational conclusion being that you have hidden you heart behind ignorance, which is the prime breeding ground for fear.
You are afraid to shed your ignorance. Why not shed your ignorance like a snake sheds its skin? Are you not like the serpent? Perhaps you’re even colder. Snakes are keenly aware of their environment and adapt to the changing landscape or move on……perhaps you can take a lesson from the serpent. Shed the skin of your ignorance in which you have become so comfortable and see your environment through realistic lenses. Adjust your focus and realize the environment is not yours to manipulate. If you will not use your mind, then use your feet and move on. Remember, the open border works in both directions. Once you have left, then and only then would I recommend a wall.

            For you, I thought I felt hate. I refuse to hate because that is what I like least about you; your ability to hate anyone who angers you or who you deem a threat. I have risen above that and will not lower myself into the ignorant realm of hatred. Instead, I pity you. Like lambs to the slaughter, you follow Trump to the pen. When you are no longer needed, you will be discarded. And when I see you broken and alone, left for stray by the man you thought was here to make you great, I will help you. You know why? I understand what it means to be a true patriot. I know that Abraham Lincoln was correct when he said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I know that being a Republican or Democrat does not supersede being an American. I know hatred and name calling just breed more of the same. I know your bigotry and racism have been inculcated for decades. I know the misogynistic culture our nation has fostered for centuries is ingrained in your psyche. I know you are afraid.
            In keeping with your apparent love for crude and simplistic remarks, I will close with this: Lady-up, grow some ovaries, and get over yourself!

A Human Being

[1] Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (London, 1871).

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